Can we Dye Grey Hair and Can we Pluck out Grey Hair?

A. When it comes to Dying of grey hair Messenger of Allah rejected it dying with the black color and allowed to dye the hair with the henna leaves. 

It is Narrated by Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger said:
"The jews and the Christains do not dye their grey hair, so you should do the opposite of what they do (i.e, dye your grey hair and beards). (Source: Sahih Al Bukhari - Book 60 - Hadith 129)

Narrated Anas: 
When Prophet arrived at Medina there was not a single companion who had grey hair except Abu Bakr and he dyed his hair with henna and khatam (i.e, Plants used for dying hair). (Source: Sahih Al Bukhari - Book 63 - Hadith 145)

And When it comes to Grey or White hair that appears on the head or bead of a believer is a blessing of ALLAH the Most-compassionate. This Grey or white hair would shine as a Noor (light), in the hereafter. And plucking or cutting that is not allowed, it would be as if cutting or plucking the Noor off the face. Each grey or white hair is a Light on the believer bestowed by Allah the Most-powerful and it would give good deeds and wash off the bad deeds.

Amr bin Shuaib on his father's authority told that his grand father reported that messenger of allah said:
Do not Pluck out Grey hair if any believer grows a grey hair in islam, he will have light on the day of resurrection. (this is sufyans version) Yahya's Version says: Allah will record on his behalf a good deed for it, and will blot out a sin for it. (Source: Sunan Abu Dawood - Book 35 - Hadith 44, Riyad us Saliheen - Book 18 - Hadith 136)